
For Website Ashwood Headshot

My name is Loka Ashwood. I am a sociologist at the University of Kentucky. My work develops action-centered methodologies that help frontline communities overcome environmental injustices and strengthen democracy.

For-Profit Democracy

My book poses a question: “Why is government distrust rampant, especially in the rural United States?” I offer a simple explanation: when corporations and the government together dispossess rural people of their prosperity, and even their property, animosity toward the state rules.

You can find out more by visiting my For-Profit Democracy page and checking out the Publishers Weekly review. 

An Invitation to Environmental Sociology

I joined with three co-authors to write the sixth edition of An Invitation to Environmental Sociology. Visit the textbook’s page to learn more about the delivery of the book through participatory examples, like raising and selling cattle locally in my home community.

To learn more about me and my work, you can visit the About Me and Publications pages.

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